Fellow Carriers & Stories

As a PLN carrier, a lot is coming your way. What can you expect? What are the implications for your work? What if you have a desire to have children? Should I have my children tested? What are the symptoms of the disease? Should I use medication? Many questions for which you need to find the answers. Fortunately, there are many fellow carriers who are willing to help you with these answers or simply offer a listening ear.

Contact with Fellow Carriers

Stichting PLN brings fellow carriers together in various ways. We do this because we know how supportive mutual contact can be. It makes us stronger and more determined to find a solution for PLN. Therefore, you can attend our gatherings for fellow carriers or become a member of the online community on Facebook.

The Stories of PLN Carriers...

As a foundation, we want to provide a platform for the stories of PLN carriers. This way, you get an insight into what it is like for other carriers. This may help you in processing and dealing with PLN in your own way. Read the stories that carriers share with us through our blog:

In Conversation with Patients

Sometimes we also have conversations with patients through a series of videos.
You can find our videos on our YouTube channel or below:

How We Help You Further:


Attend one of our gatherings for fellow carriers. These gatherings are always in a safe, cozy setting and are well prepared in advance. You can have low-threshold conversations with other carriers and possibly gain new insights and contacts.


There is a special group for PLN carriers on Facebook. Here, personal experiences or news are shared among members. You are always welcome to participate. You will need a Facebook account to join the group. You will be admitted to the group within a few days.

Your Story

We are always looking for PLN carriers who want to share their stories. At the moment, this can be done through an article that appears online on our website. You are welcome to share this with your network. For videos and podcasts, we approach carriers ourselves. However, you can always express your interest.