Danny skates alternative Elfstedentocht to raise money for his sportsmate

No sea is too high, no bridge is too far and no ravine is too deep. You seem healthy, are a sports fanatic and a great skating enthusiast. It’s no wonder then that you and your best sports buddy take on a challenge. That’s why you start the Alternative Elfstedentocht in 2020. The goal? Complete the 200-kilometer tour of the Weissensse in Austria. An ultimate battle against the elements that you look forward to immensely, but things turn out completely differently than expected.

During the trek, your body lets you down. Nasty heart arrhythmias force you off the ice. You have to give up. What a huge bummer for this sports fan! After investigation, it appears that Marco Huisman from Andijk, may be carrying a PLN mutation. Intensive exercise is therefore discouraged from that point on. It deteriorates rapidly and within a few years he is disqualified. He is no longer allowed on the ice, even though he wants to so badly….

2,500 euros for research

Within the skating community of West Friesland, Marco Huisman is a familiar name. His sportsmate, Danny Jong from Wervershoof, has a hard time watching the situation affect his good friend. So Danny made a promise to Marco, to skate the Alternative Elfstedentocht one more time on January 31. The goal? Raising as much money as possible for research into an affordable treatment method for PLN.

Danny immediately launched an action. His target amount is 2,500 euros and he is already well on his way. Still, we think his efforts deserve much more support. Therefore, we are calling on you to encourage Danny with an additional contribution. Every contribution helps us further our fight against PLN! Let’s at least get Danny on his way to 5,000 euros. Because let’s face it: everyone deserves such a fantastic friend like Danny, right?

Danny, we already wish you a great trip and lots of success. Marco, on behalf of the foundation we wish you all the best with your health and of course sympathize with you. Donate directly? You can do so through our special action page.

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On average, we send out one email per month to people who wish to stay informed about developments regarding the foundation and PLN. In these emails, we cover various topics such as events, information sessions, and updates related to PLN research.