CURE-PlaN project | 2019- heden

In mid-2018, Fondation Leducq granted six million USD for a comprehensive international research plan focused entirely on PLN, known as the CURE-PLaN project. This project officially started on January 1, 2019. It comprises a transatlantic team brought together by our Foundation, including researchers from UMC Groningen, Amsterdam UMC, UMC Utrecht, New York Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Cincinnati, and Stanford University. This team is further reinforced by researchers from Greece, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

The researchers convene twice a year to discuss progress and results, maintaining momentum in the research. Our transatlantic project enhances the CURE-PLaN project.

Prof. Dr. E. (Litsa) Kranias is the coordinator of the project in the US, and

Prof. Dr. P.A.F.M. (Pieter) Doevendans is the coordinator on the European side.